Saturday, November 15, 2008


This is da last outing b4 sume kengkawan aku blk kmpg....hepi+enjoying+playing(such a great times)...mase ni la nk spend masa ngn kwn2..nt dh cuti sek semua pn dh lupa diri...haha..

Tyme ni ktrg kt surau mp...huhu..bsar mk ai pn satu lg bende yg aku obses..(cermin)
Bagi aku,cermin tu its a gud reflection***especially for our skin.haha...pntang jmper cermin je,sure aku dh mlekat kt c2.what happen if dunia ni xde cermin ek!!!!!(lu pkirla sendiri...)

Owh...forget sumthin,let me introduce girls yg ade kt pic above ni. Diorang ni merangkap rakan serumah+rakan sekelas.Yang stand smbil cekak pinggang tu is "SHAZANA".She's the cutest among us cuz she small+slim.(heeeeeeee).That one yg pegang camera2 is "HAYANA". She's always dreaming to be "korean girls".keep saying......(anyong+sarangheyo+kamsahamida) .Thats her 'favourites' three words!!!
Yang paling kiri sekali is "NANA"(name glamor die)...she's my classmates+the youngest person among us.Tyme kuar ni die yg drive...nmpkje mnje+lemh hebat tu men bowling!!huhu..
And last but not least is "ME". Which one???heee..of course la yg x disebut kt ats. I'm not gonna talk much about myself cuz its already written in my profile.

2:52 a.m.
Hurm...its already late....I'm going to end up here. HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!!!


ask me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ask me said... juz nothing....
it always happen but not to all pepel...
juz some of them yg paham erti F.R.E.I.E.N.D.S

: No Name : said...

hbat sangatkah nana 2 men bowling..hahaha..mmg msuk bowl r..