Tuesday, November 25, 2008

a moment to remember

Cute kan baby ni!!!but this is not my baby....
actually aku nk bgitau org kmpg yg aku dh dpt ank sedara yg 2nd punye....em,but diz time its 'boy'...tu yg aku hepi sgt...bukan per.dlm fmly aku ni all girls,x rmai boys pn.so,its different sket diz time..hehe
smlm we all dah belikan kt upcoming baby baju die..so cute!!!hehe...semuanye kecil2 je.y bju baby cute2 ek????tringin jugak nk jd baby again ni..huhuuu.
hopefully my sis will be more happy for her 'baby boy'.....such a sweet moments

1 comment:

ask me said...

wah..it was an enormous and the greatest thing in da world...
and we feel blissful when we r in love..but doesn't mean when we felt blissful and we shud sacrifice evrythng...depends on how important it is...n it can bring the relationship evrlasting...

*im also sux in dis matter huhu]

at least we try..R8???